OneTouch Verio IQ

Reverse engineered by Diego Elio Pettenò, based on Tidepool.

The communication protocol as described in this document applies to the following models:

  • OneTouch Verio IQ

Important device notes

The device has a miniUSB-A connector, and comes with an onboard USB-to-Serial adapter compatible with the cp210x driver.


Device Vendor ID Product ID
OneTouch Verio IQ 10c4 85a7

Serial port configuration

The serial port should be configured as such:

  • 8 data bits;
  • no parity bits;
  • 1 stop bit;
  • 38400 baud rate.

Packet Structure

The device uses the same Shared Binary Protocol as other LifeScan devices.

Within the packet, the link-control byte is unused and always left at 0x00.

The command-prefix byte may have one of accepted values as defined below, but for ease of implementation, 0x03 is suggested. This matches the OneTouch Verio 2015.

packet                  ; see
link-control = %x00     ; not used by this device
command-prefix = %x03 / ; suggested

Timestamp Format

Timestamps, both for the device's clock and for the reading records, are defined as a little-endian 32-bit number, representing the number of seconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00.

It should not be mistaken for a UNIX timestamp, although the format is compatible. To convert to UNIX timestamp, you should add 946684800 to the value (the UNIX timestamp of the device's own epoch.)


Messages are binary, and only some are related to each other in any obvious way.

The commands have been named after their function, in the style of SCSI commands (as done for the Verio 2015:

  • READ VERSION to read the firmware version of the device.
  • READ SERIAL to read the device serial number.
  • READ RTC to retrieve current RTC time of the device.
  • WRITE RTC to change the RTC time fo the device.
  • READ UNIT to retrieve the device blood sugar display unit.
  • READ RECORD COUNT to retrieve the number of records in the device's memory.
  • READ RECORD to retrieve the content of one record.
  • ERASE MEMORY to clear the meter altogether.


READ-VERSION-request = STX %x09 %x00 ; message length = 9 bytes
                       %x03 %x0d %x01 ETX checksum

READ-VERSION-response = STX length %x00
                        %x03 %x06 version-length
                        [version-length]VCHAR %x00
                        ETX checksum

The version string is encoded in ASCII and prefixed with its length but also appears NULL-terminated. This may be incorrect, and it may be that the string is only prefixed, and padded to 18 characters.


READ-SERIAL-request = STX %x0a %x00 ; message length = 10 bytes
                      %x03 %x0b %x01 %x02 ETX checksum

READ-SERIAL-response = STX length %x00
                       %x03 %x06 serial-number
                       ETX checksum
serial-number = *VCHAR %x00

The serial number is encoded in ASCII and NULL-terminated.


READ-RTC-request = STX %x09 %x00 ; message length = 9 bytes
                   %x03 %x20 %x02
                   ETX checksum

READ-RTC-response = STX %x0c %x00 ; message length = 12 bytes
                    %x03 %x06 timestamp
                    ETX checksum

timestamp = 4OCTET ; 32-bit little-endian value


WRITE-RTC-request = STX %x0d %x00 ; message length = 13 bytes
                    %x03 %x20 %x01 timestamp
                    ETX checksum

WRITE-RTC-response = STX %x08 %x00 ; message length = 8 bytes
                     %x03 %x06
                     ETX checksum


READ-UNIT-request = STX %0a %x00 ; message length = 10 bytes
                    %x03 %09 %02 %02
                    ETX checksum

READ-UNIT-response = STX %x0c %x00 ; message length = 12 bytes
                     %x03 parameter-unit-mgdl / parameter-unit-mmoll
                     %x00 %x00 %x00
                     ETX checksum

parameter-unit-mgdl = %x00
parameter-unit-mmoll = %x01


READ-RECORD-COUNT-request = STX %x09 %x00 ; message length = 9 bytes
                            %x03 %x27 %x00
                            ETX checksum

READ-RECORD-COUNT-response = STX %x0a %x00 ; message length = 10 bytes
                             %x03 %x06 message-count
                             ETX checksum
message-count = 2OCTET ; 16-bit little-endian value


The records are then accessed through indexes between 0 and message-count (excluded) as reported by READ RECORD COUNT.

READ-RECORD-request = STX %x0a %x00 ; message length = 10 bytes
                      %x03 %x21 record-number
                      ETX checksum
record-number = 2OCTET ; 16-bit little-endian value

The record number is assumed to be a 16-bit little endian value, for consistency with other LifeScan devices.

READ-RECORD-response = STX %x12 %x00 ; message length = 18 bytes
                       %x03 %x06 timestamp glucose-value
                       control-flag flag-meal
                       %x00 %x00
                       ETX checksum

glucose-value = 2OCTET         ; 16-bit little-endian value

control-flag = not-control / control
not-control = %x00
control = %x01

flag-meal = meal-none / meal-before / meal-after
meal-none = %x00
meal-before = %x01
meal-after = %x02

The glucose-value is represented as a 16-bit little endian value. It represent the blood sugar in mg/dL. As most other meters, the eventual conversion to mmol/L happens only at display time.

The control-flag is a byte representation of a boolean. If true, the record refers to a control solution test, rather than a blood measurement.

The meal-flag is a single byte, representing a tristate of no information, before meal reading, and after meal reading. This meal information cannot be set on the Verio meter, but can be set on the Select Plus.


The memory erase command deletes all the records in the device's memory.

MEMORY-ERASE-request = STX %x08 %x00 ; message length = 8 bytes
                       %x03 %x1a
                       ETX checksum

MEMORY-ERASE-response = STX %x08 %x00 ; message length = 8 bytes
                        %x03 %x06
                        ETX checksum

Remember that this action is irreversible.